Billing FOR busy doctors BY a busy doctor.
How to write notes faster and bill with shorter notes.
MASTER the new billing guidelines!
Stop underbilling your hard work!
Stop feeling guilty about writing shorter notes!
Prevent and protect yourself from getting sued!
Receive 3.5 hours of CME Credit!
This course is ideal for:
Inpatient attending physicians
NP’s and PA’s who bill E/M services
Senior / graduating residents
“Dr. Oubre, I took your course this summer and I’m closing out my patient charts 46 minutes faster. Look at my data!”
See what students are saying!
(From the anonymous post-course CME survey)
See inside with free previews!
The Full Curriculum:
Lesson 1: Introduction and Current Problems with Documentation
Lesson 2: The Four Purposes of Clinical Documentation
Lesson 3: Professional Billing
Pretest + What is Professional Billing
2021 / 2023 Guideline Updates and the new MDM Chart
MDM Problems Column
MDM Data Column
MDM Risk Column
The Billing Timeout
Medical Necessity
Time-Based Billing
Split / Shared Billing
PB Examples
Review of Pre-Test Answers
Lesson 4: Take a break and a quick note
Lesson 5: Making the HPI work for you
Lesson 6: The Truthful (and useful) Physical Exam
Lesson 7: Labs and Radiology Reports
Lesson 8: The A&P
The Power and Perils of copy / paste
The Assessment. And the Plan
Lesson 9: The Crowd-sourced Discharge Summary
Lesson 10: So. Many. Examples. (Good and Bad)
Lesson 11: A favor, an offer and your CME Certificate!
CME Details
3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits
CME certificate automatically emailed upon survey completion at end of course
Original Release: April 20, 2024
Next scheduled Review: April 20, 2026
Expiration Date: April 20, 2027